CAMP - Collaborative Arts and Music Project

exchange, convergence and transformation –
Internationales Festival in den Wagenhallen Stuttgart

Mit 15 Künstler*innen aus der Ukraine, den USA und Deutschland findet die 18. Ausgabe des CAMP Festivals vom 4. - 7. September in den Wagenhallen Stuttgart statt. In diesem einzigartigen Kunstlabor werden neue Formen der künstlerischen Kooperation und Präsentation erforscht und praktiziert.

Insomnia Taxxi | UA | Sound

Dmytro Radzetskyi | UA | Sound

Svitlana Reinish | UA | Visuals

Khrystyna Slobodianiuk | UA | Dance  

Daria Vesthak | UA | Sound, Visuals  

Niklas Wallbaum | DE | Installation

Anna Illenberger | DE | Sound

Volker Illi | DE | Installation


Kasumi | USA | Visuals

Dan Wilcox | USA, DE | Sound, Performance

Sophie Gisbertz | DE | Dance

VJ Juladi | DE | Visuals

Martin Mangold DE | exhibition designer

Thomas Maos | DE | Sound  

Fried Dähn | DE | Sound

Stefan Hartmaier | DE | exhibition designer 


CAMP Festival


Donnerstag 5. September | 20.30 Uhr
Dmytro Radzetskyi – Guitar Solo
Khrystyna Slobodianiuk – Dance Performance
Insommnia Taxxi & Svitlana Reinish – AV performance

Freitag 6 September | 20.30 Uhr
Kasumi – Video Screening
Dan Wilcox – Sound Performance
VJ Juladi – Video Peformance
Sophie Gisbertz / Fried Dähn / Thomas Maos – Dance & Music Performance

CAMP Festival

Group Performances

Samstag 7. September  20 Uhr
Group Performances
Group 1
Khrystina Slobodanjik | Ukraine | Dance  
Daria Vesthak | Ukraine |  Sound, Video  
Anna Illenberger | Germany | Sound
VJ Juladi | Germany | Video  

Group 2
KASUMI | USA | Video  
Dmytro Radzetski | Ukraine | Sound  
Iryna Novikova | Ukraine | Sound  
Thomas Maos | Germany | Sound  

Group 3
Svitlana Reinish | Ukraine | Visuals  
Sophia Gisbertz | Germany | Dance  
Dan Wilcox | USA, Germany | Sound, Performance
Fried Dähn | Germany | Sound


As an international music and art festival we demand a stop to all acts of war and think of our Ukrainian colleagues Svitlana Reinish, Dmytro Radzetskyi, Iryna Novikova, Daria Vesthak, Khrystyna Slobodianiuk and their families.