Mihaela Kavdanska (RO/GB)

visual and video artist

Mihaela Kavdanska is a media artist & researcher, creative director in the field of interactive & performing arts, curator of exhibitions & festivals, cultural manager, producer of art&culture events.
Bulgarian born, living in Linz, Austria, working in Linz and Bucharest.
She graduates BA & MA in Fine Arts, Painting Department, The National University of Arts in Bucharest in 2001. MA, Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversität, Linz, since 2012.
In the last 15 years of artistic activity, Mihaela Kavdanska has been working on personal and interdisciplinary collaborative projects, exhibited and performed in different galleries, museums, festivals and other cultural events around Europe, United States & Asia: National Museum for Contemporary Art, Bucharest; Essl Sammlung Museum, Wien; National Museum of Foreign Art, Sofia; International Centre for Contemporary Art, Bucharest; Ars Electronica Festival; DAfest; Videomedeja; CAMP Festival; National Center for Contemporary Dance, Bucharest; eXplore Dance Festival; Post Screen Festival; Unpainted Media Art Fair; Kinetica Art Fair, VIENNAFAIR, etc.

Mihaela Kavdanska creates live experience and process based art works, where the constant exchange of perspectives plays an important role. As visual artist, she's been interested in renewing artistic language and mastering both traditional and new means since late '90. Appealing to video art, VJ-ing, interactive installations, 3D video mapping or intermedia dance performances, in order to express the similar subject.

Mihaela Kavdanska is initiator, co-founder & curator of AVmotional Platform. Founded in 2004, this is one of the most articulated hypostases of contemporary urban culture in Romania.

She is co-founder and creative director at KOTKI visuals, art&technology studio founded in 2006 in Bucharest. They are among the first media artists to implement new technologies in performing arts, live communication and alternative advertising in Eastern Europe.



Mihaela Kavdanska