Malte Lück
Malte Lück
Formative experiences: 1973: right from the outset (and time and again ever since), a life that hung in the balance • desire for the animate, which my wife (musician) and I have shared since 1998 • intuitive intensity of the work “Transsibirische Bahn” (Transsiberian Railway) in Landesmuseum Darmstadt • 2000: master course with Kurt Widmer (baritone), who teaches his singers not to think about singing by experiencing their body • 2001: the courage to set out on a journey and seek to go further in my diploma thesis on architecture • since 2004: our daughter, whose life we are privileged to share • 2010: dream seminar with Ortrud Grön, who through the clarity of her questions is able to express criticism that is taken on board • 14 years as a freelance artist in Cologne until 2019 • 2020: Achim Leonhardt’s pedagogic way of showing me that my body language is not that of a teacher (22nd job) • three great loves that allow me to feel how wonderfully powerful, enriching, and multi-faceted togetherness can be • and, as always, honesty and spirituality toward life, allowing it to be alive...