  foto series
CAMP ((03))
international festival for electronic music and visual arts
3.- 9. november 2003

History and Organization

After years of working together–especially in experimental projects- Thomas Maos and Fried Dähn had the idea of a festival, which should be dealing mainly with artists that feel the urge to improvise and experiment. In 1999, after one year of intensive preparation and organization, the CAMP festival was presented for the first time, in the Sudhaus in Tübingen. 16 artists from Switzerland, USA, France and Germany were successfully celebrated by Press and audience. To the artists it was obvious that something new, extraordinary and unique had originated.
CAMP represents a communication and exchange platform on which new projects are able to originate

CAMP is a festival created by artists for artist: as intercultural, innovative, interactive, creative, intermedial communication platform.

Vincent Royer, Ulrike Helmholz, Gene Coleman John-Wolf Brennan, Vincent Royer, Fried Dähn   

Thomas Maos, Fried Dähn, Jörg Kallinich, Björn Eichstädt,
Sudhaus, d.a.i und Club Voltaire Tübingen

Paolo Alvarez (Brasilien) - Flügel, Elektronik, John Wolf Brennan (Irland) - Flügel
Gene Coleman (USA) - Bassclarinette, Björn Eichstädt (BRD) - Keyboards, Cynthia Folio (USA) - Querflöte, Lou Grassi (USA) - Drums, Perc., Ulrike Helmholz (BRD) - Stimme, Wolf Helzle (BRD) - Video, Jörg Honecker (BRD) - Kontrabaß, Volker Illi (BRD) - Projektion, Jörg Kallinich (BRD) - Dias und Projektion, Fred-Lohnberg-Holm (USA) - Cello, Thomas Maos (BRD) - E-Gitarre, Elektronik, Helmut Müller (BRD) - Saxophon, Vincent Royer (Frankreich) - Viola, Christian Wolfarth (CH) - Drums

© Thomas Maos, Birgit Riegger 2003