CAMP - Collaborative Arts and Music Project

Performance - Exhibition
Im Dialog 2020 – Anniversary Festival, Kunstverein Wagenhalle Stuttgart

With 20 artists and a new design, CAMP Festival 2020 is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Kunstverein Wagenhalle Stuttgart. Under the banner of Performance – Exhibition/Im Dialog 2020, the week-long festival will explore and practice new forms of artistic cooperation, disseminating art, and networking through exciting performances, talks by artists, and an interactive exhibition.


Trailer DAY by DAY

artists - performance

Alex Akuete | Sascha Banck | Jaap Blonk | Lea Brugnoli | Fried Dähn | Timo Dufner | Ari Dykier | Yannick Hofmann | Martin Holz | Daniel Kartmann | Jonathan König | Thomas Maos | Juri de Marco | Nina Plantefève | Dmytro Radzetskyi | Monika Roscher | Yadanar Win | Mia Zabelka | Dierk Zaiser


artists - exhibition

Ana Hušman | Mia Makela | Ursula Scherrer | Claudia Robles-Angel | Kasumi | Natalie Santorv | António Jorge Gonçalves | Malte Lück | Jörg Scheller | Friedrich Förster & Sabine Weißinger | Volker Illi | Vitor Joaquim | Stanislav Genadiev & Violeta Vitanova


Exhibition | Lecture

Ursula Scherrer


A video installation with text by Ursula Scherrer
A projection becomes visible when it falls on a surface
Corners are intimate
Skeletal trees displaced
Spacial designs

Volker Illi

Der 2 Km Baukasten

By Volker Illi

Balance and structure, an interplay of intertwined surfaced implanted into the spacial situation of the location. The simultaneity of interior and exterior, dramatized by controlled lighting that unites drawing, painting, and sculpture.

Prof. Dr. Dierk Zaiser


Interdisziplinarität - von der Antike über das 20. Jahrhundert in die Gegenwart
Lecture (in German) by Prof. Dr. Dierk Zaiser, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen

Saturday August 1 | 7 p.m.

CAMP Exhibition

Malte Lück

Video performance + digitally processed ink drawings

CAMP Exhibition

Stanislav Genadiev & Violeta Vitanova

Choreographers and dancers from Bulgaria